How to Care for Your Skin on the Go

The holidays are quickly approaching and while this is a wonderful time of year, it can also be stressful. Especially if you’ll be traveling. The added stress plus the struggle of transporting your whole skincare routine can be hard. It’s also easy to get out of your normal routine when you’re in a different location or being distracted by all of the festivities. However, because of the stress, the food and the abnormally cold weather, your skin will need all the help it can get. Don’t neglect your skin when you travel, here are some tips to help….

The most important step you can take to keep your skin looking clear and glowing is to watch your diet. Sugary and processed foods is what is going to cause your skin to break out or become irritated. Keep that in mind when you're thinking about grabbing another Christmas cookie. The only product you really need is a good cleanser, if you'll be gone for longer than a week, consider bringing a clay mask as well. That's right, all you need is one or two products, so easy!

Cleanse – I don’t care how tired you are at the end of the night, or how rushed you are in the morning, you need to cleanse your face. Using a good cleanser is the most important step in making sure your skin stays healthy. Clear Skin is a great cleanser to use because it’s small, so it’s easy to travel with. You can also use it as a cleanser, treatment, and moisturizer all in one.

Treat – With the added stress, cold weather, and processed food, your skin is probably going to need an extra boost. Using treatments such as the Elixir, or the Bulgarian Rose Face Oil, will take your routine a step further to add hydration, and balance the skin.


Detox – One of my favorite ways to help my skin when I’m traveling is to use a clay mask. When clay mixes with water it becomes electorally charged and binds with the toxins in your skin. When you wash the clay off, you’re also washing away all of the toxins that were in your skin. It’s the perfect way to keep your skin glowing all through the holidays.

It’s easy to keep up with your skin when you go down to the basics. Learn what foods irritate your skin the most and try your best to avoid them. Typically, sugar, dairy, gluten and/or alcohol can do this. Use a good cleanser to keep your skin on track, add in a treatment oil or moisturizer if your skin is feeling extra dry, and make sure to use a clay mask once a week. You and your skin can enjoy the holidays this year.