janegee body treatments are personalized, therapeutic, and designed to enhance your well-being.
Click here to BOOK ONLINE, to view our FULL MENU, or CONTACT US with any questions.
Using a blend of botanical and essential oils we stimulate your lymphatic system, increase blood flow, and detox your body. Great for pain management, inflammation, and aiding in weight loss.
| 35 min $65
| add to your facial for $35
REIKI | total body relaxation
Reiki is a natural therapy that gently balances life energies and brings a sense of health and well being to the body. De-stress, relax, and let go. This is total body relaxation.
| 60 min $85
LIGHT TOUCH THERAPY | renew & reset
Light Touch Therapy is a gentle modality that resets your system by increasing communication between your brain and body to improve overall health.
Light Touch Therapy uses the natural approach to reconnect and repair all aspects of healthy body function through the biofield, meridians, neurological system, fascia, and connective tissue. It supports speedy recovery from illness and injury by giving your body what it needs to thrive and decreasing your downtime. This gentle, safe, fast, non-invasive practice allows your body to heal itself and reset naturally.
Benefits: eases pain, deepens relaxation, reduces trauma or stress, increases focus, improves lymphatic function, increases circulation, improves sleep, enhances cognitive function, and more!
Light Touch Therapy does not replace your medical practitioner.
| 60 min $125
| add to your facial for $75
THE DISCOVERY | An in-depth wellness consultation & reset
The Discovery is an in-depth conversation with our founder, Jane Gee, designed to help you on your journey to optimal health and wellness. With over 45 years of experience pioneering the Nutritional Skincare industry, Jane brings a wealth of knowledge to each consultation, using her extensive background in skincare, flower essence therapy, PSYCH-K®, Nutritional Response Testing, herbs, Reiki, and Shamanic practices to assess both the external and internal factors impacting your skin and health. She will discuss your skin history, current concerns, and the key influences from your daily lifestyle. No two skins are alike, and Jane understands that what you put in, on, or around your body is deeply interconnected.
Her approach includes identifying external factors (products, skin microbiome, external stressors, at-home routines) and internal factors (gut health, nervous system, emotions, stress, hormones), combining traditional skincare expertise with holistic healing modalities to guide you on a personalized journey towards optimal health and wellness.
Initial Visit | 75 min $350
Follow-Up | 30 min $125
Click here to BOOK ONLINE, to view our FULL MENU, or CONTACT US with any questions.