Paws & Pests: Take Care of Your Dogs

Summer is here and so are the ticks, especially here in New England. Not only is it important to protect yourself to prevent Lyme disease, these pests can also crawl all over your dog.
Many flea and tick collars can cause serious health issues to pets and humans because they are covered in toxic chemical pesticides. A review conducted by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) found that dangerously high levels of pesticide residue can remain on a dog or cat’s fur for weeks after the collar is put on the animal. The residues from two pesticides the NRDC found were high enough to pose a risk to children and adults who play with their pets.
This summer, I began taking garlic flower essence as a primary defense against tick bites. This essence reinforces the energy field and helps to keep unwanted critters from attaching. If you’re a gardener or hiker — or simply want to enjoy a more carefree summer outside — this essence may be a helpful and safer companion. It’s safe for you, your children, and your pets.
Tick Protection Using Garlic Essence
For the best results against ticks, janegee recommends the following for humans:
• 3 drops 3x/day for 2 months
• 2 drops 3x/day for 1 month
• 2 drops 2x/week for maintenance
For animals:
• 3 drops in water daily.
Bug Repellent
Other pesky bugs, such as mosquitos, fleas, and black flies can be a big nuisance for your dog. Prevention is important to protect your dog from heartworm disease and bites. Mosquitos can also carry West Nile virus.
There are many natural products you can use. The most effective natural bug repellent is Lemon Eucalyptus oil, providing around one to two hours of protection. Other natural repellents that rank lower in effectiveness are Geranium oil, Citronella (which can also be found in candles to repel bugs), and Neem oil.
Natural herbs such as Fennel, Thyme, Peppermint, Citrus, Rosemary, Sage, Lavender, Lemongrass, and Clove help as well. Steep the selected herb in hot water, let the water cool, and then spray on your pet, saturating the coat.
Steeping the herbs in Apple Cider Vinegar is another great way to repel bugs, and it is also a natural conditioner to skin and hair. Steep for two weeks, shaking daily, strain the herbs and spray on your dog.
Cinnamon oil and Cedar oil have been shown to prevent mosquito bites. If a mosquito comes into contact with Cedar oil, it can kill them, their eggs, and their larvae.
To make a homemade bug spray, buy a glass spray bottle, add 25 drops Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil, 4 oz witch hazel, and 2 oz coconut oil or other oil such as almond oil. Shake before applying. Spray all over your dog, taking care not to spray in the eyes. Reapply every one to two hours or so.
Note: Never use undiluted essential oils on your dog; always use a carrier oil. These sprays work on people, too!
Paw & Nose Care
Speaking of pets, janegee Puppy Balm protects, soothes, and heals a dog’s skin, especially the nose and paws. Hot pavement and sand can hurt the pads on your dog’s paws. Too much sun exposure can burn the nose, belly, and any areas where there is thin or no fur. Never use human sunscreen on your dog as they contain ingredients that if licked are fatal to your dog.
Try keeping your dog out of direct sun and off hot surfaces. Apply Puppy Balm to your dog's paws and nose as needed.
Hopefully these tips will allow you to have some carefree time to enjoy the sun and great outdoors with your fur babies this summer!