Jane's Acne Remedies

No one likes getting acne. The first step to do is to determine what type of acne you have. There are many different types and each has a different protocol for treating it. Unfortunately, finding the right products can be confusing. Many products on the market make promises they can’t always keep, it’s really frustrating.

Here at janegee we choose to keep all products and treatments gentle, so they can work with the skin and not against it. There is no quick fix when it comes to skin health. The skin has a language and once you learn to read it, healthy skin care is a breeze. Acne, like other skin conditions, is relatively easy to remedy.

Your face is a window into your digestive system. It tells you what your internal landscape is like. If an imbalance exists in your gut, it will be reflected in the health of your skin. The digestive system provides our cells with nutrition from the food we eat. If we overload our digestive system and it becomes overworked, the waste products will have to find another exit, which is generally the skin.

The hard part about treating skin with acne is that there can be so many different causes. If you struggle with a specific type of acne or find that the acne consistently appears in a specific location, continue reading to see what the cause might be.

Reference these face maps to see if you’re consuming too much of something in your diet. It’s a great way to have a look into what’s going on inside the body. The location of pustules, blackheads, wrinkles, and the color of your skin can tell a story about the digestive system. They also tell a story about emotions that are stuck in the body and have an impact on the skin.



When healing acne, the first step is to establish good digestive health. Eat good, clean food. Avoid excess sugar and dairy and increase fermented food. While gut health plays a huge role in the health of our skin, there are other reasons such as…

  • Insulin resistance
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • High sugar diet
  • Stress
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Food allergies
  • Topical products
  • Overconsumption of dairy foods

Here are some types of acne that I see most commonly, and the potential causes: 

Red, inflamed skin with pustules

Poor detoxification, which leads to a buildup of waste in the skin


Red, cystic acne

The liver detoxification process is not working optimally 

Breakouts around the nose and mouth

Weak digestive system, possible inflammation of the digestive system and/or food intolerance. Could indicate low hydrochloric acid in the stomach and possibly an underactive liver.

Red and sore breakouts, can be with oily or dry skin, with or without cystic acne

Possible liver congestion, the liver may be struggling to break down fats from food. There may be an imbalance of good and bad fats. 

Rash-like pimples, small, hard, takes a long time to go away, with or without a red rash

Could be one of two things: an overgrowth of candida and yeast, or bowel dysbiosis


Small lumps under the skin along the jawline

Look at clearing the lymph, possible lymph congestion

Cyclical breakouts that appear along the jawline

Hormonal issues such as PCOS, can be accompanied by the growth of facial hair. This type of acne can take 3 to 6 months to heal.

Whiteheads, blackheads, congested patterns, can be patches over the skin

Often incorrect products and makeup can be the cause. Often associated with puberty.


Lumps on the forehead in a rash-like pattern

Diet and stress can cause these issues. Stress makes hormone breakouts worse. Dehydration can also play a part. 

Cheek breakouts

A diet that is high in fat and dairy is generally the cause 

Having acne can be frustrating, especially when you’re older, or are unsure of the cause. If you want to clear your skin, you need to take care of the liver and clean up your diet, and I cannot stress that enough. A clean diet can only work if you also use clean products on your skin. Using the wrong products can irritate the skin and fill it with toxins, strip the natural oils, and change the pH. This causes more acne, early signs of aging, and health issues.

When it comes to creating and maintaining good skin health, there are some important do's and don'ts to follow...


  1. Never use surfactants on your skin-they strip your skin, and actually cause an overproduction of oil. I recommend using an oil cleanser, which will balance the pH of your skin. janegee clear skin is perfect for oily, acne and congested skins.
  2. Never use scrubs or exfoliants on your skin. NEVER EVER!
  3. Never try to dry the skin out by using witch hazel or alcohol
  4. Don’t use brushes or other cleaning devices on your skin.


  1. Use an oil cleanser such as Clear Skin to balance sebum production, kill bacteria, and hydrate your   skin.
  2. Spray skin with a pure Hydrosol to add more moisture and keep the pH balanced. Orange, Rose,  Lavender, and Helichrysum are good for oily problem skins.
  3. Eat a clean healthy diet. However, this is different for everyone.
  4. Detox the skin regularly. janegee pure Clay Masks are perfect for detoxing.
  5. Perform a janegee mini facial at least once per week using the janegee Facial Kit.
  6. Cleanse, mineralize, balance, detox, and hydrate. These five steps will keep your skin healthy and vibrant.
  7. janegee Yang Oil is also a must, especially combined with a clay mask for spot treatments.


    To make sure you get on the right track, see a skincare professional. At janegee, we can help you determine the cause or your acne or irritations during a consultation or facial, and create a custom routine of products and practices for you to use at home. Bring in the products you’re using, and we can help determine which ones could be causing or worsening an issue. Don’t give up, you can have healthy skin.